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Back to University... Someday

It was seven years ago, in March 2010, that I attended my last lecture as a student. At that point in time, all I wanted was to finish my examinations and accept one of the few job offers I had. Honestly speaking it was all about a job, some money and a different lifestyle.

As a software professional, in last seven years, I have switched jobs, earned a bit, coded a lot and lived the way I wanted. I like my profession, I am doing great at my job and hell I definitely want to earn a whole lot more. Yet, of late, I find myself attracted to academics.

As far as my school or college days are concerned, I never really was a nerd. I did ok at my subjects, overall. I did as great as being a university ranker and as not-so-good as being "just passed". However, when I look back at my college days, what stands out is the amount of time I had to explore whatever I was interested in. Spending hours in library and labs, having fun in cultural programs, extra curricular activities and sometimes doing nothing at all - college life was so much more different.

I want to go back to a university - to study, to learn and to a certain extent, to brighten my career prospects. M.S.? MBA? anything else? I do not know just yet. Perhaps I need some more time to figure it out. I have read about the concerns around financial support and adjustments needed for going back to academics. I need to sort these out as well. In short, as I write this piece, I have absolutely no idea about how I am going to go back to university. However, I know I will, someday... someday soon.

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