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Out of Depth? Hold on, Seek, Try Your Best and Sail

Has it ever happened that you were pushed hard? You were out of depth? At home? At work? In your personal life? Professional life? or both? Well, It certainly happens in everyone's life at some point in time or other. We are all good at something and are challenged at some other fronts. Forbearance or restiveness, tenacity or slackness - we ourselves define the outcome with our behavior.

Dictionary of Cambridge defines Out of Depth as "not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation". If we read it as just another sentence, then it, perhaps, is not the optimistic one. However, if we think hard, it perhaps talks about one of the most interesting opportunity. Can we not say that being out of depth means having an opportunity to build knowledge, gain new experience and acquire new skills? We certainly can, provided we have what it takes to come out with flying colors. 

With all the wisdom gathered from some real smart people and whatever little experience I have, I can say that there are three things that can guide you when you are absolutely out of depth or to put it other way, out of your comfort zone.

Hope: Some may say that it is confidence that is required. However, I prefer to go with hope. I believe that an individual grows in confidence as he learns and adapt. However, to be able to adapt to an alien situation, he must have the hope to succeed. It is critical. Norman Cousins says, "The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination, and the energy to get started." Snyder's Hope Theory  tells a lot about hope in terms of positive psychology.

Seek: Ignorance is not always a bliss. When you are out of depth, you need answers. It is important to be inquisitive and seek knowledge from different sources. There are people around who can help, there are some experts who can guide, there are some books to enlighten. We have the power of internet to connect to people across the globe and to google what is not known. It helps you build knowledge and acquire skills to do what should be done.

Try your best: When I was in eighth standard, I fell ill during the annual examination. I was unable to read and prepare for the subject. I was worried. That day my father told me, "Do not bother about success or failure, just give it your best". Now, years later, that examination doesn't matter; his statement does. You do not always control the outcome - success or failure. However, no matter how short you are on skills or knowledge, given a condition, try and give your best. As an individual, I mind losing if I came up short in my efforts; otherwise losing is an experience. 

I am just another person. I do love challenges. And I have certainly been out of my depth at more than one instance. What happened is a story for some other time. It is the lesson that matters. If you ever are out of your depth, try these basics right; I am sure it is going to help. Hope and you are half way through; seek and build the boat; try your best and sail. Then, light a fire, grab a beer and say as Albert Camus says,

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

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