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My Best Buddy - An open letter to little sister

Hi Sis,

You must be doing great.

As your birthday nears, I was thinking of an ideal gift for you. As always, being so poor at it, I do not have any idea as yet. Meanwhile, I could not resist going down the memory lane and thinking out loud about the moments and friendship we shared over the years.

As far as I can go into the memory, I always find you being the smarter one. Needless to say, it is evident from the photograph as well. You have always been a more practical and more hands-on person. I, on the other hand, have always been the one concerned with lot of unnecessary do's and don'ts. While you are a free spirit, I have always tried to copy you. 

Christina Rossetti once said,
For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
 You have been a great sister. I still giggle at some of the pranks you played to make me laugh while I was in a not so happy mood. I remember you consoling the nerd in me when I did not score as much as I wanted and then making fun of the same nerd later.  I remember you being inquisitive about my girl friend and your hilarious suggestions. You have been there with me in the times of happiness and despair and have contributed so much to my life in your own way. And the best of all was your narration of the Airtel advertisement while giving an advice - 

हसरतें दिल में दबाने से क्या हासिल होगा, अपने होंठ हिला कर तो देखो !
खामोशी से कब होती है ख्वाहिशें पूरी, दिल की बात बता कर तो देखो !
जो है दिल में उसे कर दो बयां, खुद को एक बार जता कर तो देखो !
आसमान सिमट जाएगा तुम्हारे आगोश में, चाहत की बाहें फैला कर तो देखो !

You are a happy soul; at times even crazy. You infuse life in people around. Otherwise, I do not see a lazy person like me going a few kilometers, at a new and unknown place, to have an ice-cream, in the middle of night. Anyway, one thing I always feel and that is - I always received more from you than I ever could return. All this apart, if someone asks me about why i'll miss you the most - it will be while sharing my happiness. Considering how small and silly things make me happy, it can only be you to understand my happiness and celebrate it with me.

I also remember us fighting over the years. As kids we came across as someone who never fought. Only us know how we settled our fights so that it was never known to the people. As we grew up, we did fight a little more. Here is the thing about it, I hate to fight with you. It is mostly impulsive. Anyhow, we always happen to find a way to smile past the fights.

On your birthday, I would like to wish you all the joys you can wish. May you be the brightest shining star in the professional and social world. I would love to see you smile and to smile with you.

Lots of Love.

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