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Are You A Troublemaker?

Let us have a look at the dictionary and try to find the meaning of troublemaker. What do we get?

"someone who deliberately stirs up trouble".
"someone who ​intentionally ​causes ​problems for other ​people".
"a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome".

And yet, these days, organizations do mention "Must be a troublemaker" under requirements in the job post. What is making organizations to look for troublemakers? How can troublemakers help an organization's cause?

Troublemakers possess certain qualities that are pivotal in the current global and fast-paced economy. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Troublemakers are problem solvers: They chase the fun of solving complex problems. They are not happy with just reporting the problem. Instead, they take steps and put in efforts to come up with a solution. It keeps them motivated and gives them the satisfaction of getting the job done.
  2. Troublemakers challenge the status quo: The way of doing business has undergone a huge transformation in last few years. It is certainly going to evolve further. In today's world we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. Be it a product or a service, no matter how effective and successful, we cannot simply afford to be complacent with it. We always need to find out ways to offer something better. Troublemakers find better and smarter ways of doing things.
  3. Troublemakers are vocal: They are passionate and assertive. More importantly, they are willing to take a stance and are vocal about their ideas. This is primarily because they believe in their ideas. In the times when employees are encouraged to speak up and share thoughts, this attribute is certainly worth a lot.
  4. Troublemakers are proactive: They don’t like to sit around waiting to be told what to do. They’re proactive and can foresee potential issues. They have the knack of thinking ahead and borrowing problems. While it can annoy a normal individual, yet the business needs thinkers.
  5. Troublemakers mean business: They prefer to get things done and not goof around, when it comes to work and deliverable. They are always focused on quality and standards.

So, can anybody be a troublemaker? Some are natural, others need to evolve. It is easier said than done though.

A troublemaker needs to know the subjects, the industry, the product or the service. He needs to have the willingness to go the extra mile when put into an uncharted territory. I can tell by my experience that there are times when you are woefully under-prepared for the challenges thrown at  you. A troublemaker always finds a way, through voracious learning, understanding and collaboration.

A troublemaker needs to be fearless. Individuals like Picasso and Elvis, companies like Google and Honda - they were disruptive and troublemakers. Good ideas are not just enough; troublemakers find a way to make them work through their decision making and passion. They are not afraid of failures. 

A troublemaker also needs to understand himself; his strengths and weaknesses. It ensures the important attributes of honesty and integrity thereby defining the personality. 

Needless to say that troublemakers are not the easiest to work with. They may rub some people the wrong way. But they are worth it because of what they bring to the table.  

I believe that you need not always be a troublemaker. You just need to be constructively disruptive. It is always good to challenge dogma - understand the subject, make the right noise and be a troublemaker. 

I have been disruptive at times. I have challenged notions - sometimes I made a difference but I always learnt something new. I have made mistakes and yet gained from it. I am not a troublemaker for all seasons. But when I am one, I do not regret it.  

Are you a troublemaker?

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