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Neo4j - Topics, Resources and Quick Notes

In this blog, I'll try to put together the Neo4j topics to read and the resources for it. I'll hope that it can act as a trigger to learn Neo4j and to do a quick recap as and when desired.

Important Resources
Learning Neo4j by Rik Van Bruggen. 
Definitive Guide - Graph Databases for RDBMS developers by Michael Hunger


Sample source code

  1. Graph and Graph Theory
  2. Graph Database
    • online DBMS with CRUD operations working on graph data model.
    • Generally built for OLTP systems.
    • Engineered with transactional integrity and operational availability in mind.
    • Properties
      • Graph storage: 
        • native storage: defined to store and manage graph.
        • relational or OO storage. It is obviously slower.
      • Graph Processing Engine: Native graph processing a.k.a. index free adjacency is the most efficient way to process graphs and nodes physically point to each other.
    • Advantages
      • Minutes-to-millisecond performance.
      • Accelerated development cycles.
      • Extreme business responsiveness.
      • Enterprise ready (ACID, availability, horizontal read scalability, Storage of billion entities)
    • Common Use Cases
    • Where not to use?
      • Large set-oriented queries - RDBMS is better.
      • Simple aggregate-oriented queries - Document database is better.
  3. Neo Databases
    • Network-oriented (ordered in complex n/w and deep trees) and semi-structured data.
    • Neo is an embedded persistence engine.
  4. Installation and Getting Started
  5. Data Model
    • Best Practices
      • Design for query ability.
        • as an employee, I want to know who in the company I work for has similar skills to me so that we can exchange knowledge
      • Align relationship with use cases.
      • Look for n-ary relationship.
      • Granulate nodes.
      • Use in-graph indexes when appropriate
    • Pitfalls
      • Rich properties
      • Node representing multiple concepts e.g. country, language and currency.
      • Unconnected graph.
      • Dense node pattern. - Madonna and her fans problem.
  6. Cypher Query language
  7. References
    • Capabilities
      • Data Security: Neo4j does not deal with data encryption explicitly, but supports all means built into the Java programming language and the JVM to protect data by encrypting it before storing.
      • Data Integrity: transactional architecture ensures that data is protected and provides for fast recovery from an unexpected failure.
      • Data Integration:Event based synchronization, Periodic synchronization, Periodic full export/import data.
      • Availability and Reliability: Cold Spare, Hot Spare, High Availability Cluster
      • Capacity: File Size, Read Speed, Write Speed, Data Size
    • Transaction Management
      • read-committed isolation level
      • Neo4j Java API enables explicit locking of nodes and relationships which gives the opportunity to simulate the effects of higher levels of isolation by obtaining and releasing locks explicitly.
      • Default Locking Behavior:
        • When adding, changing or removing a property on a node or relationship a write lock will be taken on the specific node or relationship.
        • When creating or deleting a node a write lock will be taken for the specific node.
        • When creating or deleting a relationship a write lock will be taken on the specific relationship and both its nodes.
      • Handling Deadlock
        • TransactionTemplate class
        • TransactionTemplate template = new TransactionTemplate(  ).retries( 5 ).backoff( 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        • We can also use our own retry-loop code.
      • Creating unique nodes
        • Single Threaded Environment ensures it.
        • Unique constraints and cypher can also help with this.
        • Uniqueness is guaranteed by using a legacy index in case of putIfAbsent.
And there is a lot more to learn! Hope this kick-starts the learning.

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