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Let Us Answer This

I had a question in my mind. It was certainly related to my profession and the work that I do. It was about how successful have I been so far. Have I accomplished what I wanted to when I started my career? 

Social media is such a wonderful platform to discuss this. To get a number of viewpoints from others on a query or a view. It helps you in understanding your viewpoint better, in a larger perspective.You could relate to different views. And the result of such a discussion is not just a better answer to your question, but also some possible ways to make a difference. 

Let us answer this - Are you a proud engineer? Why?

Well I am not. When u cant even use those subjects and knowledge u earned in a pratcical. In short i wasted my 4 years. If it wasnt my parents who wanted me to be a engineer. I would have been someone else. Or may be I could have done better if the education system was more interactive.
Shitanshu Singh
Truly agree with u Shitanshu Singh system should be more interactive and practical..
Anupama Sinha
I partially agree with bro Shitanshu... Certainly the existent educational system is flawed at some frontiers; but I keep a little different perspective.... College is a place to learn how to learn further. I duly agree that engineering might not have taught us that 'what to do'; yet it has certainly taught us 'What not to do'... Considering these two as equally important lessons of life... I feel... Yes, I am a proud Engineer. Furthermore, engineering did not teach tangible industrial knowledge but it did teach how to mine it...
Archit Rajesh 

Lol..After completing B.Tech I realized I have wasted 4 precious years of my life. It feels like someone is abusing me when he\ she say Engineer to me..#Godpleasesaveme. May be I took the wrong decision that's why I am regretting but its never like I am not aware about my aims, my profession, my life.. Of course I am..But still thanks for your will help me to go more passionately towards my aims and also in becoming a good human being who is always be their to support his society,cast, community and religion.
Vipin Jain
I am proud of who am today and where I am! And the credit does goes to those 4 years. I would never say they were waste or a mistake..that's like insulting yourself that you were given a chance to lay a strong foundation and all you did was cribbing and above all that was our own choice on how to utilize those 4 years.May be,if I have had been more serious towards it I would have been at a better place or may be if I was too casual I would have been at a place inferior to where I am today. Regrets would always be there that we would have been at a better place but again not giving your 100% and then regretting is null and void! May be,we were not taught what we would actually be doing, which is a major flaw in the education system...but I would not say it was waste. Wherever we all are today and what ever lessons we are learning today, those 4 years made us eligible for that. And again,today we have the whole world to be explored in front of we are using this chance is what matters! We might face the same question again after years and if we have regrets at that time too is not that engineering degree which is at fault! Some introspection can answer this I am sure!
Jyeshtha Kumar
Well I believe that there are two ways of looking at it. If you are an engineer by must be proud of it.'s time to rethink about your profession...the sooner..the better. If you are not an engineer by choice, you can indeed say that perhaps you would have done better in some other profession. Point taken. However, engineering did prepare you to take brave decisions along with providing the cushion of a potential employment option. Practical vs Theoretical - That is more about how we invested in our engineering days. I agree with Archit Rajesh and Jyeshtha Kumar on this. We certainly learn more life skills and gain more versatility than others. Anupama Sinha's point of practical based education is indeed a desired change...however that is more related to subject. Market moves on fast, technologies changes - can't teach all. It should be more about concept and logic building which needs us to learn and not just to clear engineering papers. As far as pride is concerned, I believe that, it is a about what you want to do as an engineer for yourself or for mankind. I am doing considerably good as an engineer. I love creating things that are useful to anyone. I want to do something MORE [undefined as yet frown emoticon ] and hence I am waiting for my pride moment as yet. Until then I might, on the lines of Shitanshu Singh and Vipin Jain, sometimes feel that I could have invested better in the 4 years of engineering.
Satyam Shandilya
In the view of above would like to state. Getting degree after rigrous studies & ofcourse after facing lots of emotional phases. Then started doing Job then soon I become an entrepreneur after seeing the situation which is prevaling in India and with the Aim to start eradicating atleast two out of several problems which our & the very Next year pass out is/ will facing/ face which is UnEmployment & lack of Site knowledge. In the same situation how to do the things right I concluded to impart practical knowledge to the those who want in my engineering discipline & giving Employment to atleast 10 ppl every year. To those who think they have wasted would like to urge set the Goal and in your Aim the key objective should not only to set yourself, earn & spent for your luxurious life only but keeping in mind of the society how & what you can do for the society to any Region/ Religion, to any Caste/ Creed. When you do so Nature itself shows you the path. I am doing it & Yes believe me I am Loving it too and also expect from you all to do it in any manner possible.
Vivek Saini

 People can be proud if He can prove himself as an Engineer
Rohit Dhiman 

Thanks for the answers. 

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