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New Prime Minister, The Prime Minister

In the recently concluded General Elections India’s grand old political party Congress was handed an unprecedented defeat by the electorate. The margin of defeat overall was as surprising as the dismal performance of the party in some of its strong territories. Despite some serious denial of the Congress, it was a face-off between the alleged Chai Wala and the shehzada. As it turned out, the chai wala was able to connect to masses more scrupulously than this opponent. Let us not get into the political allegations and jargons used gracefully or disgracefully in the most expensive and possibly the most different general election which was fought more on the agenda of development. However, I dare say that the whopping victory of BJP was mostly a one-man show wherein alleged democratic antagonist Mr. Narendra Modi went on to become the most powerful Prime Minister of world’s largest democracy in decades. 

There are many questions to ask here. Why did electorate give a clear mandate to a controversial leader? Why did people vote in large numbers? Are we expecting miracles from this man? Is it fair to set such expectations?
Answers to the first two questions are relatively simple and straight forward. In the times when India is economically crippled with worst economic growth since early 80s, inflation, debt, soaring interest rates, corruption, policy delays and growing unemployment, people chose an option who they believe will deliver the goods. Mr. Modi appeared as a candidate with worthy administrative and political credentials to ensure good, clean governance along with restoring economy. Relegating the regressive agendas of religion and caste, people voted and voted in large numbers for the progressive plan of development, growth and economy revival. And today, we have a Prime Minister with more relevance and more control.

Let us now take the last two questions. I dare say that indeed we are expecting miracles from this man. This is because of the very same reasons for which we have elected him – economic crisis and increased unemployment. Needless to say that we are in doldrums as far as these issues are concerned. So is it fair to have such high expectations? Well, at this moment, Mr. Modi is an iconic figure of hope and aspirations. Common men gave him a rare mandate with a lot of anticipation. However, it would be wrong to expect magic that can turn the situations overnight. It is time to be logical in our judgment of the government while they try to revive the country. A parliamentary speech which could rank among the best has depicted his transformation into a statesman. Invitation to the neighboring countries for oath taking ceremony has a remarkable diplomatic flair which has sent a loud and clear message of strength to the world. Relegation of GoM and EGoM to hasten policy decisions is a good move. These are positive signs, a good beginning.

In 1984, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister with 415 seats in a Lok Sabha of 543, only to lose power in 1989 due to Bofors scam.  I believe Mr. Modi would be aware of it. He has a stable mind. He is capable. He has a passion for good governance. He is a proud citizen. There is no doubt that a steady Narendra Modi can take this country to new heights. After all:

A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under.
-Sam Houston

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