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A World of Broomstick, Bumblebee and Others

United Nations University, Smithsonian Institution, Futures Group International came together for a feasibility study in the year 1996. This resulted in The Millennium Project which connects futurists across the globe to improve global foresight. The project provides a continual capacity of a diverse think tank, geographically as well as institutionally. Its purpose is to "Improve humanity's prospects for building a better future." 

By the by, I am not planning to write on The Millennium Project and its recommendations. That is just one piece of useful information in otherwise a "Make Your Wish" sort of article. I am writing, on a lighter note, about some of the cinematic characters and objects that can make our lives quite brilliant by solving some of our stern issues. Besides, they'll help us to focus on larger issues collectively. Then, we can help the mission, vision and purpose of various ventures like The Millennium Project. Let us talk about some of these characters and objects:

1. Broomstick (Harry Potter)
This is my favorite. Everybody travels. Imagine a thrilling broomstick ride from one place to another. No petrol, no diesel, no traffic, no red lights, decrease in travel time - all these advantages along with the thrill and joy of flying. It will help a lot in saving our exhaustible natural resources. It will also help us in combating global warming. Isn't it? We could also curtail some of the terror threats. Best part is that if someone wants to make a status statement or heavier investment, as they normally do in an Audi, Porsche or Ferrari, they do have a whole range of Firebolt and Nimbus at their disposal. It is indeed a blessing in the times when train and air fares are increasing and tatkal reservation is a big pain.

There were competitions to Broomstick especially from the Toruk Makto of Avatar fame. However my experience from Game of Thrones says that a creature even remotely similar to dragons could be difficult to manage and can cause havoc.

2. Bumblebee (Transformers)
Bumblebee is a character who is calm, funny, brave and thoughtful. We all like a friend who is caring and can bail us out of the troubles. Bumblebee can provide you with thrilling car ride experience, can play music of your choice and can make you a proud owner of an amazing car. If needed, he can annoy any unwanted person. Not to forget he can be such a wonderful help to all those people who have a quest for the knowledge of life beyond earth and the languages they use.

3. Portkey (Harry Potter)
This is for long distance travel within seconds. Imagine coming to your office in Hyderabad every morning from your home in say Punjab. If office hour starts at 9:30 AM, all you need to do is to get ready by 9:29 AM and stand in front of the portkey. Neither the need to run for the public transport, nor any worry of distance. Provided you have a valid visa, you can visit any place in the world within seconds. Italian brunch, evening chocolates at Belgium and a French dinner with the view of Eiffel tower - All in a day. Cool. Isn't it? Moreover, savings index of the country may shoot up. Government could probably focus more on other welfare programs than transportation. All in all, a win-win stuff for everyone. Airline companies except Kingfisher may not buy this idea though. 

4. Time Remote Control (Click)
How nice it will be if we could fast forward, pause or stop time. I know that the mathematical or scientific brains of some of you may come up with a rationale against it. I would say do not worry. This is because, "necessity is the mother of all inventions." So once we have this gadget, we'll definitely figure out how to use it. The whole idea is to live the moments of happiness a little long and to do a fast forward in unpleasant scenarios. Obviously there are those who could misuse this gadget. Perhaps some smart brains will develop the algorithms to tune the usage.

5. Pensieve (Harry Potter)
This is a backup plan and slightly different in use than it was used in movie. In case Time Remote gets constrained, we could simply keep our memories safely so that we can relish few moments of fun and laughter later. Indeed we can use it the traditional way as well i.e. siphon the excess thoughts from our minds, pour them into the basin, and examine them at our leisure. O yeah, I can foresee some of you techies comparing it with Outlook archive. It is better, for obvious reasons.

6. Remy (Ratatouille)
Food is a basic necessity. Outstanding taste and diverse
varieties - these are the major challenges for a foodie. Remy is the definite answer to these challenges. Isn't it? I would love to taste the super soup.

7. Spy Contact Lens (I Spy)
In the movie, Owen Wilson uses these lenses to receive advice on a date. However, since these lens have microphones and camera they could be very handy. It can have a variety of usage including one in the defense.

8. Albus Dumbledore, Charles Xavier, Magneto, Optimus Prime, the Avengers, Superman and Spiderman(Harry Potter, X-Men, Transformers, Avengers, Man of Steel & The Amazing Spiderman)
This is an extended list because we do need high quality defense. Considering the prosperity that will be brought to us by aforementioned gadgets and characters, we might just invite extra-terrestrial or highly sophisticated attcks. Needless to say that, this extensive army is well qualified to take on any type of challenge - magical, extraterrestrial or human. I agree that to control the troubled maverick Magneto, Albus Dumbledore might need to use few spells.

There are many more such characters and gadgets. For example - Iron man suit, Invisibility Cloak etc. However, not many reasons to be disappointed if you have the above ones. Isn't it?

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