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Finally, A Blog...

Finally my blog is online. Couple of months ago, I decided to start blogging. It took a while to gather the thoughts and giving a shape to it. "A template, few pages, start posting" - I can truly say that it was much tougher than that.

First things first, why blog?
Well, I have always been in love with writing. I do write when I am happy, I do write when I am sad. I write when I feel like writing. Irrespective of the nature of writing, vague or articulated, I write for the joy of writing. I believe in "Good trees died so that you can write". Whenever I feel the urge to put my thoughts into words, I do pen them down. And it is such a pleasure!

Did I think of blogging so that I can write?
Perhaps I did. However, while I am writing my first post, I have more reasons to blog. It is  a wonderful medium to express our thoughts because of its reach to intellectual masses locally as well as globally. So, every word I write to tell a simple story, may bring me many words of rich experiences. Wow! Isn't is amazing? Express, Write, Socialize, Learn and Communicate - that's blogging for me.

As I start this journey, I am looking forward to the company of all you wonderful people. Let us communicate, let us share ideas, let us write.

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